Home Science/Health Scientists develop nasal spray to treat Alzheimer’s

Scientists develop nasal spray to treat Alzheimer’s


London : Israeli scientists claim to have developed a nasal spray that may ease the devastating symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease — brain disorder commonly found in people over the age of 65.

There is no cure for the disease and no proven treatment is available to slow its progression. However, there are a number of medicines available that may help improve the mental function of people with the symptoms.

Existing pills can delay the progress of symptoms such as memory loss but their effectiveness is limited.

Researchers at the Tel Aviv University have developed the nasal spray, which improved memory and learning in mice with a disease similar to Alzheimer’s, reported the online edition of the Daily Mail.

The drug also improved the mice’s memory and learning, and restored their sense of smell, which is often lost early in the onset of Alzheimer’s. The mice showed good recovery of their cognitive function, the researchers said.

Experts believe that the world could be gripped by an Alzheimer’s epidemic by 2050 as life expectancies increase.