Home International Californian boy burns 21 houses down

Californian boy burns 21 houses down

SANTA CLARITA, October 31 (RIA Novosti) – A boy started a major fire in California after playing with matches, destroying 38,000 acres of land and 21 houses, local media said Wednesday citing north Los Angeles County authorities.

“He admitted to playing with matches and accidentally starting the fire,” on October 21, the Denver Post quotes a police spokesman, Diane Hecht, as saying.

The boy, whose name and age were not released, was freed into his parents care after being interviewed by local police. His case will be sent to the district attorney’s office.

A total of 20 wildfires, which killed at least 12 people and destroyed 2,000 buildings, have been reported in California in the past two weeks. At least 2,000 square kilometers of forest have been burnt down.

The damage from the fires, which were fanned by strong winds, is estimated at more than $1 billion. Policemen have detained four people, suspected of arson. All have been released on bail.