Home International Bush Military Overspending Exposed

Bush Military Overspending Exposed

By Prensa Latina

Washington : President George W. Bush Administration doubled spendings in sophisticated weaponry from $790 billion to $1.6 trillion in 2007 and most of the technology is not available yet.

An editorial on The New York Times says that since the Republican president assumed office, expenses for Defense development projects multiplied but they are delayed and drain millions of dollars from the national budget.

The Bush Administration has squandered a large percentage in failed military programs, plus some $600 billion in the disastrous war in Iraq, noted the daily.

It reminds that projects like Joint Strike Fighter, Littoral Combat Ship and Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile are overdrawn. They should have been completed months ago and the later even failed four trials in 2007.

The Pentagon recently asked Congress for $750 million to increase aerial support and armored mobile technology for the US troops in Iraq, says ArmyTimes on-line.

The DoD says the US troops are in desperate need of the back up to deal with the extended insurgent use of road-side bombs.