Home Muslim World News Missile attack kills 25 in Pakistani agency

Missile attack kills 25 in Pakistani agency


Islamabad : At least 25 people, including foreigners, were killed in a missile attack on a Pakistani tribal agency in South Waziristan, along the Afghan border, said sources on Wednesday.

The missiles’ target was the hideout of a local Taliban group led by Commander Mullah Nazeer, security sources told KUNA.

They said about four missiles hit a house in bordering Baghrra village of South Waziristan tribal agency late Tuesday night. After the attack, they added, at least three Pakistani helicopters were seen hovering over the attack site.

The sources said at least 25 people, including Arab and Turk nationals, were killed in the attack and several were wounded.

It was not immediately clear who carried out the attack. Tribal sources said that it was carried out by the Pakistan army, whereas another source said that it was an attack by the allied forces on Pakistan’s sovereignty.

Paramilitary troopers, the sources said, had cordoned off the area and no one was allowed to either enter the village or leave it.

US forces fighting Taliban militants in the neighboring war-ravaged Afghanistan have intensified their attacks on Pakistan’s bordering areas. Islamabad has been repeatedly lodging protests over border violation by US troops.

In a similar air strike in July, Egyptian Al-Qaeda chemical weapons expert Midhat Mursi Al-Sayid Omar, also known as Abu Khabab Al-Masri, was believed to have been killed. He had a USD five million reward on his head.