Home International Poland Releases Missile Shield Text

Poland Releases Missile Shield Text

By Prensa Latina,

Warsaw : The Polish Foreign Ministry issued the terms of an accord with the US to deploy the anti-missile shield in Poland, which Russia views as a threat to national security.

US Secretary of States Condoleeza Rice and Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski signed the agreement Wednesday in Warsaw after 18-months of negotiations of Polish demands to the US.

Poland urged to install US Patriot missiles and finance the reform of its national armed forces, namely the Air Force, and the US will defend Poland if it is attacked.

The document says the Pentagon will install before 2012 ten interceptor missiles at a closed base in Redzikow, north Poland, just 112 miles from Russia’s western border.

US military will control the perimeter under legal supervision of Poland that will also be in charge of the base security.

After the Polish announcement, the Russian Foreign Ministry warned that installing ballistic missiles in Poland boosts the arms race in Europe and beyond.

The anti-missile batteries in Poland along the radar at the Czech Republic interlace the US anti-missiles system in Europe.