Home Indian Muslim Bajrang Dal stop screening of fake encounter documentary in Bhopal

Bajrang Dal stop screening of fake encounter documentary in Bhopal

By TwoCircles.net staff reporter

Bhopal: Mr. Shubhradeep Chakravorty, director of famous documentary ‘Godhra Tak’ was today stopped from screening his latest film ‘Encountered on Saffron Agenda?’ in Bhopal on Thursday.

About 70 Bajrang Dal members showed up at AICUF Ashram where film was to be screened. They threatened organizers and the audience gathered there to watch the documentary.

Speaking from Bhopal, Mr. Chakravorty told TwoCircles.net that about 40 Bajrang Dal members entered the office of the venue, misbehaved with the caretaker of the premises and threatened the organizers.

Their shouts and unruly behavior forced many of the spectators to leave the place.

Soon the police arrived on the scene but instead of providing protection for screening of the film, they took Mr. Chakravorty and organizers to the police control room. There they were advised to drop the programme of screening the film.

ADM asked them to fill out an application for permission to screen the film. They were dropped back to the venue when all audience have already left the place.

Mr. Chakravorty told TwoCircles.net that it is an attack on the freedom of expression and secular fabric of the country. He said that in Madhya Pradesh unruly Saffron mob is calling all shots and administration is a mute spectator.

The police officials apparently admitted that they are receiving many phone calls from different ministers of the ruling government to cancel this programme.

Yuva Samvad, the local organizer of the event condemned the incident and expressed solidarity with people who are struggling against these forces.

The documentary ‘Encountered on Saffron Agenda?’ was shot in seven states. It is based on investigative documentation of few encounter killings in Gujarat in recent times.

A significant commonality between all these encounters was that those killed in these encounters were said to have on a mission to kill the Chief Minister Narendra Modi who had allegedly organised the 2002 genocide of Muslims in the state after Godhra train burning incident.

MP have fast becoming a state where Saffron forces are becoming bolder in their actions. Just last month, RSS members openly fired their guns at the end of their armed procession. The administration made no attempt to stop the armed and provocative march.