Uttar Pradesh police cover for Mayawati’s Bhopal rally


Bhopal : Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati’s security will be looked after by her state’s police force at a rally here Sunday – a move that deviates from the norm of the host state providing security cover.

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A Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) rally is slated for Sunday at the Lal Parade ground here but party chief Mayawati allegedly refused to accept Madhya Pradesh police protection. So the Uttar Pradesh police have taken over security arrangements for the event.

“A team of Uttar Pradesh Police arrived here Friday night and took over the security of the meeting venue,” police sources said.

“Uttar Pradesh government officials had a discussion with their counterparts in Bhopal a few days ago and they were of fool proof security but they did not agree to it,” a home department official told IANS on condition of anonymity.

According to informed sources, a top police official from Uttar Pradesh has been camping here for the past four days to oversee the security arrangements.

The Uttar Pradesh Provincial Armed Constabulary is being deployed to look after Maywati’s security. A cavalcade of 10 cars, including two bulletproof vehicles, is also expected to accompany her.

“When our officials had a meeting with Uttar Pradesh officials a few days ago, it was agreed that Madhya Pradesh Police would provide security to Mayawati during her party’s rally but now Uttar prdaesh police have been assigned the job. This would set a bad precedent,” said Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Himmat Kothari.

Police officials here feel the move would demoralise Madhya Pradesh Police personnel.

“So many VIPs come to Bhopal and we have been doing everything necessary for their security. Have we become so weak now that the police of another state has been allowed to take over security at a place that falls under our jurisdiction?This will demoralise our force,” a police officer said.

Apart from the Uttar Pradesh police, around 20,000 workers of the Bahujan Voluntary Force, BSP’s private police force, would also be in Bhopal to oversee the rally arrangements.