Home Muslim World News Iran won’t give up its nuclear rights: Ahmadinejad

Iran won’t give up its nuclear rights: Ahmadinejad


Tehran : Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Monday Iran would not give up the nuclear rights under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which it is party to, official IRNA news agency reported Monday.

“They should know that the Iranian nation will not retreat from its nuclear rights. They cannot do anything except to play with papers and make propaganda,” Ahmadinejad said during a ceremony here marking the anniversary of the Islamic revolution.

Ahmadinejad said that Iran’s nuclear projects are for peaceful purposes and it respects the NPT and safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Some Western powers led by the US accuse Iran of carrying out a nuclear weapon programme in the guise of a nuclear power development plan. Iran has repeatedly denied the accusation but has insisted that it would continue with uranium enrichment.

Mass demonstrations organized by the state were held earlier Monday throughout Iran as the nation commemorated the 29th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

Thousands of people took to the streets across the country to celebrate the anniversary of the Revolution.

Chanting slogans such as “Death to America,” “Death of Israel” and “Nuclear energy is our undisputable right,” the crowd walked towards Azadi Square in western Tehran where President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad joined them.