Home Muslim World News Pakistani Locality Imposes a Curfew

Pakistani Locality Imposes a Curfew

By Prensa Latina

Islamabad : Pakistani authorities imposed a curfew in Parachinar on Sunday where Saturday’s suicidal attack against the local office of assassinated Benazir Bhutto killed 42 and wounded over 100 people.

The bomb explosion against the office of the Pakistani People’s Party (PPP) in that locality, near the border with Afghanistan, is the biigest violent incident preceding Monday 18’s legislative elections.

“We imposed a curfew to prevent any demonstration, if the situation remains calm we will lift it”, told the press the district’s Prime Minister Zaheer ul-Islam.

Parachinar is the main town in Kurram tribal region that has experienced bloody clashes between Sunnite Muslims partisans and Shiite minority

Islam said that the authorities have not yet decided if they go on with elections in that locality or will depend on the situation.

The elections’ campaign, from where the new National Parliament and the four Pakistani provinces’ assemblies will come out, have been clouded by a marked wave of violence since Bhutto’s assassination last December 27 with a high rate of deaths and wounded people.

In addition, President Pervez Musharraf said the political parties will have to decide over a candidate to prime minister throughout mutual consultations in which process he will not interfere, as he assured.

Pakistani authorities have granted visa to 3000 foreign observers to supervise the current process.