New Delhi : Delhi Police Tuesday released from detention three minors, accused of molesting and attacking two sisters from the northeast in Delhi University area three days ago, after their families completed the bail formalities.
“The three (including the main culprit) were arrested late Monday and have been released on bail after their families completed bail fromalities,” a senior police official told IANS, adding that the minors could not to be sent to jail for a bailable offence.
“The accused – all from well-to-do families – in their questioning revealed that they passed lewd comments at the younger of the two sisters, who was returning from shopping, following which her elder sister slapped Rahul (name changed), one of the main culprits,” the official added.
“After that, the accused went away and sent his five or six friends to the cyber cafe run by the two sisters. The boys then tried to barge into the cyber cafe, leading to a scuffle.”
The police denied the sisters’ allegations that nearly 25 boys molested and attacked them.
The incident took place Saturday night in Gandhi Vihar but did not surface until Monday morning, when newspapers reported it, because the police allegedly had refused to lodge the first information report (FIR).
The police only registered the case after Monday.