Home Muslim World News Egyptian husband sells his wife’s kidney

Egyptian husband sells his wife’s kidney

By RIA Novasti

Cairo : An Egyptian woman has brought charges against her husband, accusing him of drugging her and selling one of her kidneys on the black market, the Al-Wafd newspaper said on Monday.

Warda Mohammed el-Banna of the Nile Delta town of Menufiya told investigators that her husband had offered to take her on his motorcycle to visit his relatives, giving her a glass of drugged orange juice before the trip. During the journey, she said, she fell asleep and woke up in a private hospital in Cairo.

Her husband, Saad Helmi, explained the wound in her side by saying that she had been operated on after being severely injured in a motorcycle accident.

A few days after being dismissed from hospital, however, the woman began feeling weak, and a medical examination revealed that one of her kidneys was missing. Her husband is due to go on trial soon for the ‘robbery’.

Kidneys go for around for 15,000 Egyptian pounds ($2,730) on the local human organ black market.

In February 2007 the Daily Times of Pakistan reported that a man in the city of Multan in the country’s Punjab province had sold his wife’s kidney in order to purchase a tractor.