Home International Iraq Moratorium in California

Iraq Moratorium in California

Washington, (Prensa Latina) Peninsula Peace and Justice Center confirmed on Thursday they will hold community vigils in southern California Friday to demand the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

PPJC activists asked demonstrations to bring candles and posters demanding the end of the illegal US military presence in that Persian Gulf nation.

Some of the signs recommended by the website of the NGO, created in the 60s in opposition to the Vietnam War, read: “Bring Troops Home,”

“Kill or Die Is Not a Way of Life,” and “War is Evil.”

It is of great importance for PPJC activists that they bring their relatives and especially their children, considering that they are the main inspiration for the peace effort.

Vigils will take place in Palo Alto, San Mateo, Mountain View and San Jose, and similar demonstrations are planned over the coming months.

PPJC activists also reject the US implementation of the death penalty and the signing of CAFTA (Centre American Free Trade Agreement), describing it as a disaster for the peoples of the region.