By Prensa Latina
Teheran : Iranian President Mahmud Admadineyad ruled out the possibility of altering the development of nuclear power Wednesday, despite a Security Council resolution establishing sanctions on the Persian nation for the third time.
Foreign Affairs ministers of the UN Security Council’s permanent members (United States, France, Great Britain China and Russia, plus Germany) agreed yesterday in Berlin on a new package of punitive measures.
The Islamic Republic chose its own way and will continue forward, the president asserted, warning that those illegal decisions will not have any effect over its will to continue uranium enrichment with peaceful aims as they will not represent a problem for the people.
Admadineyad reiterated that the Persian State’s position is clear and as far as it is concerned, the atomic disagreement issue has already been closed.
The Iranian president declared that any resolution adopted will not represent a problem for the people and urged the Council members and Germany not to commit passed errors, referring to two previous sanctions.
At the US request, backed by its European allies, the Security Council approved two resolutions against the Persian country to make it stop its atomic program. However, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the draft resolution encourages countries to prevent the illegal transfer of nuclear material in dealings with Iran, but does not provide for harsh sanctions.
The Russian foreign minister said the draft pushes Iran to resume talks with the International Atomic Energy Organization.
Washington accuses Teheran of using nuclear energy to develop weapons of mass destruction, while Iran affirms that it is targeted to civil objectives.