Home Indian Muslim Anti-madrasa tirade angers Merut Muslims

Anti-madrasa tirade angers Merut Muslims

By TwoCircles.net staff reporter

Merut : As part of a malicious campaign to tarnish the image of madrasas in the country, former Union minister Swami Chinmayanad has demanded investigation into the functioning of madrasas. Attending a program in Merut, Uttar Pradesh, the former BJP minister said Islamic terrorism was thriving because of Islamic fundamentalism. His statement has caused anger among Muslims here. Such well-calcultaed statements, people say, are aimed at making the functioning of madrasas doubtful in the eye of people.

Reacting to the statement, Na’ib Qazi of the city Mr. Zainur Rashideen demanded the Union and state governments to bring the true picture of madrasas before the masses. He warned that if the malicious campaign was not checked, the Muslim minority would be forced to resort to mass movement.