Home Muslim World News Hamas, Israel Talks at Standstill

Hamas, Israel Talks at Standstill

By Prensa Latina,

Ramallah : The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) suspended negotiations on the release of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Schalit, the Arab media reported Friday.

“Hamas has suspended indirect negotiations with the enemy over (Corporal Gilad) Shalit because of the non-respect by the enemy of the terms of the truce, notably the opening of crossing points and authorising the entry of all merchandise into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip”, said spokesman Osama al-Muzeini on Friday.

Mr Muzeini was speaking as Israel again sealed off Gaza in retaliation for a rocket attack, itself a violation of the June 19 ceasefire between the two sides.

The next round of talks was going to be held next week in Egypt.