By Prensa Latina,
Santiago, Chile : The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) rejected again Saturday the so-called European Union (EU)”s “Return Directive” and denounced any attempt of criminalising inmigrants stemming from such regulation.
The organization, of which Chile is pro-tempore president, states in a release that “the human rights of inmigrants are guaranteed in several international instruments inked by both regional bodies.”
UNASUR states demand a fair and humanitarian treatment for all emigres in the EU, in accordance with the generous welcoming by hundreds of thousands of Europeans and their descendents in South America, stressed the press release.
This historical reciprocity would define the treatment of migration between both regions, avoiding the risk of hostile actions against our citizens in the EU territory, the text highlights.
Moreover, UNASUR calls for the EU to “cooperate in the creation of a meeting and dialogue that generate a bi-regional agenda and an equitable solution on the migratory phenomenon.”
The UNASUR is comprised of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guayana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay and Venezuela.