Home International Nepal Paves the Way to new Government

Nepal Paves the Way to new Government

By Prensa Latina,

Katmandu : The Nepal Constituent Assembly (CA) finished with nearly 20 days of stagnation and approved large constitutional amendment that paved the way to the foundation of the first democratic government of this new born republic.

Despites of the fact that parties members from Madhes region did not attend the plenary the CA approved the Fifth Amendment bill that permits election of its President, Vice President and Prime Minister.

The bill has majority support of 442 of the 449 deputies that cast their vote.

By virtue of the what has been approved the highest authorities of this new born Himalaya Republic that put end to over 240 years of feudal monarchy, will be elected by consensus among the main parties.

However, if political organizations would not agree themselves on the matter the AC will elect them by majority.

After 10 years of armed struggle against the monarchy and joining the political civil movement in 2006 The Maoist Communist Party (CPN-M) is close to lead Nepal first Republican Government.

In the last two days the CPN-M have been negotiating with the two other parties, the Marxist Leninist Communist Party and the Nepali Congress, distribution of powers and the cabinet coalition members.