Home Muslim World News US, NATO Deploy on Pakistan Border

US, NATO Deploy on Pakistan Border

By Prensa Latina,

Islamabad : The United States and its NATO allies in Afghanistan began a big deployment of troops along the border, generating concern in civil and political environments.

That extraordinary movement of forces caused anxiety among the population near the so-called Tribal Area of Federal Administration (FATA) and areas surrounding the northern border province, noted Pakistani newspaper The Nation Wednesday.

Hundreds of soldiers with armored tanks and other modern and sophisticated land-equipment took position and created bunkers in front of northern Waziritan, Ghulan Khan, Lawara Mandi and Beemal, warned spokesmen from the tribal localities.

Meanwhile, helicopter gunships overfly the border and even over Iranian soil, denounced local Tribal leaders.

The Nation stated that many people began to abandon those and other areas of FATA for the fear of foreign forces.

This deployment and the frequent air raids against objectives in that region matched with the increasing pressure from Washington to make the Pakistani government struggle against rebels in that area.

It also takes place before a visit of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to the United States in Jul 18.

During a press conference in Miranshah the tribal leader Malik Muhammad Afzal Khan Darpakehl warned that three million members of Pushtun and Baluch tribes will rise up to fight against the foreign troops if they try to penetrate.

“If a figure like the Prime Minister said that foreign militants are hidden in Pakistan tribal areas and could cause another disaster like the one of 11/9 then who could prevent US forces from invading the country,” he alerted.