Home International Russia: Military Planes lead US Competitor

Russia: Military Planes lead US Competitor

By Prensa Latina,

Moscow : The Russian consortium making military planes SUKHOI exported more planes than the US enterprise manufacturing the F16C/D in 2007, and is getting ready to dominate 12 percent of the world market.

A report published Wednesday by the Russian enterprise said they sold 50 fighter planes abroad, while US Lockheed Martin only sold 41.

In the next four years, the Russian company will be able to export nearly 180 planes and control 12 percent of the market, the document said.

The report said that the whole aircraft carrier aviation for bombing and assault of the Russian Air Force is equipped with SUKHOI models.

Fighter planes Su-24, Su-25 and Su-27 constitute more than 60 percent of the tactical aviation, while the Su-24M, Su-25, Su-27 and Su-30MK, were modernized.

As new incorporations, bomber Su-34 and multi-functional fighter plane Su-35 were designed and manufactured.

Russian engineers are still working on the development of the fifth generation fighter plane that the Kremlin wants to put in the market in 2016.

Then Russian President Vladimir Putin opened the Science and Innovation Complex of the sector in Zhukovski, a city in the province of Moscow, in February.

This complex is destined to become a center of the national aircraft industry, not only of Russia, but also of Europe and the world, according to a presidential decree.

Putin said that recently created Unified Aircraft Constructions Corporation of Russia (OAK, Russian accronym) should be one of the market leaders for 2025.