By Prensa Latina,
Luanda : Zimbabwean Foreign Minister Simbarashe Mubengegwi lashed at the international drive to call off the presidential runoffs.
On behalf of President Mugabe, Mubengegwi made his statement after an interview with Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos at a meeting of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).
Mubengegwi admitted to isolated, not general, violence caused by opposition Democratic Change (MDC) of Morgan Tsvangirai to stall Friday’s runoffs and termed the situation stable.
Although Tsvangirai reaffirmed Tuesday his withdrawal, Mubengegwi reminded that the law forbids it three days short of the polls.
Tsvangirai withdrawal will only be official if he submits it in paper-and-ink to the ZEC, so the Mubengegwi says his stand confirms an alliance with foreign interests to discredit Zimbabwe.
The SADC sent 250 observers to monitor the runoffs and will only withdraw them if the Election Commission (ZEC) calls off the polls.