By Prensa Latina
London : Files with personal data belonging to the team of professionals and technicians being prepared by the British Broadcasting Corporation to cover the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, were stolen Thursday, said BBC.
BBC presented a demand before the local police, after verifying the robbery of the information from a place in a building occupied by the television network in London.
The files contained details of the passports, private addresses, photos and work that the 437 members of the BBC team will do at the Olympics, so as information on the hotels where they will stay in China.
Roger Mosey, BBC sports director, told the affected people about the robbery and avoided any speculation on the motives the authors might have to steal.
An official declaration issued by the BBC leadership announced the beginning of a complete investigation on the deed.
Since October last year, UK has had several cases of loss of information of different character and relevance.
In October, two compact disks with personal data including names, addresses, national insurance numbers, bank accounts and others of 7.025 million families requesting social benefits got lost.
In December, 3 million theory tests of aspirants to driving licenses disappeared, and shortly later, loss of hospital patient information and the finding of packages of documents thrown close to the airport of Exeter was reported.
Finally, the loss of a portable computer belonging to a British Navy officer containing information on 600,000 aspirants to enter the Navy or the Air Force was lost in January.