Baghdad : Iraq’s parliament is to vote on Wednesday on a draft paper for political reforms according to which the government would undertake political reforms before voting on the security agreement between Iraq and the United States.
Head of the Presidency Council office Naseer al-Ani told a press conference after a meeting of the Presidency Council Tuesday, that the meeting examined the proposals of various political blocs within an installed programme and then collected the proposals to reach a consensus with the government.
Al-Ani added that the Presidency Council would prepare a draft resolution to be discussed by the political parties prior to presenting it on Thursday to the MPs for voting before the vote on the security agreement.
Meanwhile, MP Khairallah Al-Basri said the parliment will vote on the reform paper before it votes on the security agreement, saying that approval of the reform paper would guarantee that the majority of the blocs would vote in favour of the security treaty.
He disclosed that the paper includes observations and recommendations to the Iraqi government about moving away from sectarian power-sharing and guarantees for the release of political prisoners in Iraqi jails.