Home Indian Muslim Those above 65 advised not to go for Haj

Those above 65 advised not to go for Haj


New Delhi: The Haj Committee of India Tuesday advised those above 65 and below 12 years and pregnant women to avoid going for the Haj pilgrimage in view of swine flu pandemic in the world.

“Keeping in view the (health) safety measures, 65 years and above, 12 years or below and pregnant ladies should avoid going to Haj pilgrimage this year,” Hasan Ahmad, acting chairperson of the Haj panel, told reporters.

He said, “It is an advice from the government of India and the Haj committee to the intending pilgrims.”

This year, the Saudi government has also issued instructions that elderly, children and pregnant woman should avoid the pilgrimage keeping in view the health concerns due to swine flu.

Ahmad said if the vaccine of swine flu will be made available before the Haj pilgrimage, it will be made compulsory for every intending pilgrim to take the vaccination.

This year some 150,000 pilgrims from India are expected to go to Makkah in Saudi Arabia to perform the annual pilgrimage.