Home India News Pakistan again seeks more information on Mumbai carnage

Pakistan again seeks more information on Mumbai carnage


Islamabad: Pakistan on Thursday again sought more information on the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, saying its investigations into the mayhem would be incomplete without this.

“It would not be possible for Pakistan to carry out credible prosecution of those arrested in the absence of fuller information and evidence,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit told reporters here.

India, he said, should provide the information “in one go rather in installments”, adding Pakistan was “very serious” in bringing the perpetrators of the crime to justice.

India has repeatedly said it had provided adequate information to Pakistan about the attack, including the DNA samples of Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone gunman captured during the Nov 26-29, 2008 mayhem that claimed the lives of over 170 people, including 26 foreigners.

On its part, Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik has admitted that part of the Mumbai conspiracy was planned in this country.

Last month, a Pakistani claiming to be an operative of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terror group that India says staged the Mumbai attacks had “confessed” to his role in the mayhem, saying four other leaders of the group were also involved.

Shahid Jamil Riaz had confessed that he and four others had provided transportation facilities, accommodation, Internet and other facilities to the terrorists who had attacked Mumbai, a media report had said.

The four men Riaz has named are LeT commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, its communications specialist Zarar Shah, Hamad Ameen Sadiq and Hamza alias Abu Alqa.

All four are in custody.

They had been picked up in a crackdown by Pakistani security forces in December 2008 after the UN, acting on US and Indian pressure, proscribed the Jamaat-ud Daawa that the LeT had morphed into after being banned in the wake of the Dec 13, 2001 attack on the Indian parliament that New Delhi blamed on the terror group.

On Tuesday, the Lahore High Court extended by 60 days the house arrest of LeT chief Hafeez Saeed, who had also been arrested in the December 2008 crackdown.