Home International Australian state premier cancels Mumbai trip over terror fears

Australian state premier cancels Mumbai trip over terror fears


Sydney: The premier of Australian state of Victoria John Brumby has cancelled his planned trip to Mumbai during his coming visit to India over fears of terrorism, media reports said Sunday.

The premier’s office released a statement Sunday that Brumby would spend more time in Delhi and not go ahead with the earlier planned Sep 23-24 trip to Mumbai.

The change was made following travel advice from the country’s department of foreign affairs (DFAT).

The DFAT in its updated travel advice to India said Friday: “Credible information indicates that terrorists may be planning further attacks in Mumbai, including at places frequented by tourists, in September or October 2009.”

“We continue to receive reporting of possible threats against prominent business and tourist locations, including in Mumbai and New Delhi,” it adds.

DFAT’s overall travel advisory for India urges Australian visitors to exercise “a high degree of caution”.