Afghan President Karzai regrets Parliament’s refusal of 10 cabinet nominees

    By NNN-Xinhua,

    Kabul : Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai on Saturday expressed regret over the refusal of 10 cabinet nominees by Wolesi Jirga, or Lower House of parliament.

    “President Karzai took into consideration the required efficiency and professionalism as well as ‘national participation’ in both the lists he presented for confirmation, but regrets that the desirable result was not achieved,” a statement released by his office said.

    The Afghan Wolesi Jirga through secret balloting on Saturday approved seven out of 17 cabinet nominees presented by Presented Karzai early weekend.

    This is the second time since early this month that the parliament has rejected ministerial nominees. Previously, the lower house on Jan. 2 rejected 17 out of 24 ministerial nominees, forcing the president to introduce new faces.

    President Karzai is endeavoring to have a functioning cabinet before attending the international conference on Afghanistan scheduled for Jan. 28 in London.

    Nevertheless, the statement added that the President respects the decision of the parliament.