We will protest against Pakistan for illegally usurping Gilgit Baltistan : Dr Shabir Choudhry

By TCN News,

London: Kashmir National Party leader Dr Shabir Choudhry said 28 April is an important date in modern history of Kashmir, as it was on this date Pakistani government illegally usurped areas of Gilgit Baltistan.

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KNP leaders said Pakistani authorities have hitherto fooled people of Jammu and Kashmir, including people of Gilgit Baltistan that they took charge of these areas after an agreement with Azad Kashmiri President Sardar Ibrahim Khan.

However, Sardar Ibrahim Khan more than once exposed this lie that he did not sign any contract or deal with the Pakistani authorities with regard to future of Gilgit Baltistan, hence Pakistani occupation of these areas is illegal and against the expressed wishes of the local people.

Dr Shabir Choudhry said Kashmir National Party will take part in the demonstration outside Pakistani High Commission in London to protest against injustice and exploitation of Pakistan. This demonstration is organised by Kashmir National Independence Alliance.

Dr Shabir Choudhry said we will support this action of KNIA even though we are not part of this Alliance. He said we support our brothers who are fighting for their rights on the Indian side of the divide, but our struggle is on the Pakistani side of the LOC; and we expect our brothers on that side to understand that we are also occupied and they should express their solidarity with us.

Mr Imtiaz Ul Maqsood, President of Friends of Kashmir National Party said, ‘I will also join the protest to show solidarity with people of Jammu and Kashmir. People of Jammu and Kashmir, including people of Gilgit Baltistan should be treated with dignity and respect; and they must be given unfettered right of self determination to determine their own future.’

Imtiaz Ul Maqsood said, ‘People of Pakistan are increasingly becoming aware of Pakistani policy on Kashmir, and wish to see peace and stability in South Asia which can only come about if the Kashmir dispute is resolved according to wishes of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.’ He said he and his Pakistani friends will take part in this protest to show that we care for them. He said we cannot turn clock of history back apart from expressing remorse on wrong doings of Pakistan, but in future we will stand with our Kashmiri brothers and assure them that our support is unconditional.