Home Muslim World News Bangladesh constitution to restore independence proclamation

Bangladesh constitution to restore independence proclamation


Dhaka : Bangladesh will restore in its constitution the historic proclamation of independence made in April 1971.

The proclamation is considered the interim constitution of Bangladesh.

A special committee on constitutional amendment will decide how to incorporate it at an appropriate place in the constitution, Suranjit Sengupta, co-chair of the committee, told The Daily Star.

The proclamation was declared and adopted in the then East Pakistan.

Those elected in the general election held in December 1970 and early 1971 met at a mango grove at Baidyanathtala in Meherpur April 10, 1971. Bangladesh’s flag of independence was unfurled for the first time, a proclamation was adopted and a provisional government was formed.

Bangladesh became a free country at the end of the December 1971 India-Pakistan war.

The proclomation of indeopendence was part of the original constitution, but was removed by the government of Khaleda Zia (2001-06), which argued that it was not a part of the constitution.

“The proclamation of independence is a glorious achievement of our country. The next generation has the right to know about it. And we cannot deprive our future generation of it. So, we want to make it a part of the constitution,” Sengupta said.