Home India News Power firm urges Delhi residents to observe Earth Hour

Power firm urges Delhi residents to observe Earth Hour


New Delhi : From sending SMSes to screening documentaries at resident welfare association (RWA) meetings, Delhi’s major power distribution company BSES is going all out to urge the capital’s residents to observe Earth Hour Saturday and save energy.

Expressing solidarity with the initiative, a BSES statement Thursday said it is doing all it can to make the Earth Hour 2011 observance here a success.

Beginning at 8.30 p.m. Saturday, Earth Hour will be observed for an hour, during which people have been urged to switch off all non-essential lights and other electrical appliances and save energy.

“BSES takes multiple steps to promote Earth Hour. SMSes are being sent to over 10 lakh customers, Earth Hour documentary is being screened during RWA meetings and posters are being displayed at offices and disseminated to RWAs,” the statement said.

All non-essential lights will also be switched off in the BSES offices during the Earth Hour, it added.

According to the statement, during the last Earth Hour observance in 2010, Delhi saved over 300 MW of power.

Delhi will join nearly a billion people in Mumbai, Los Angeles, London, Hong Kong, Sydney, Rome, Manila, Singapore, Dubai and over 6,000 other cities in 130 countries across the globe to observe the Earth Hour March 26.

“The message of the Earth Hour this year is to go beyond the hour, and commit to a more sustainable way of living, everyday and not just for an hour. It calls for individual action – albeit small – to sustain commitments and responsible actions beyond the hour,” it said.

Earth Hour is an annual international event supported by environment group WWF – the World Wide Fund for Nature.