By TCN News,
Mumbai: Children’s Festival of GIO (Girls Islamic Organisation) Mumbra concluded on Monday at Sumayya Hall in Mumbra. “Yahi Chirag Jalenge tou Roshni hogi” was the theme of Children festival organized for the schoolgirls of age group 7-14 years. The festival aimed at all round development of the girls while giving them an opportunity to exhibit their talents within the boundaries of shariah.
The festival comprised of various competitions like Speech, Quiz, Drawing, Mehndi, Moral Dramas and Islamic Poetry. GIO-Children Circle cadre presented entertainment shows as alternate means of positive and constructive entertainment.

In this era where art and entertainment have become means to spread obscenity and vulgarity, where girls are exploited in the name of freedom of expression and liberalisation, this festival gave the girls a very modest means to exhibit their talents and boost their confidence. Girls got ample of opportunities to explore their dormant potentialities.

Various competitions were held in last one month. Twelve schools from Mumbra participated in this festival. Finally the concluding program was organized on 19th Sep as mark of completion of children festival. Welcome & Inaugural words were delivered by children festival organizer Sister Mehjabeen. GIO was briefed by sister Hadeeka. Sister Nasreen was the convener of the programme. Various prizes were distributed to the winners. Program ended with the Dua of Mrs. Saleha Saheba, Incharge Jamat-e-Islami Ladies Wing, Mumbra.