A Sunni confrence to be held in Moradabad on 25th Sep.

By TCN News,

New Delhi: All India Ulama and Mashaikh Board is going to organize a Sunni conference in Moradabad of Uttar Pradesh on 25th September. Through this conference, “we want to send a message across the world that majority Sunni Muslims are always denied equal rights by the other sects namely AhleHadiths/ Deobandis,” said Syed Mohammad Ashraf Kichchouchwi, General Secretary, All India Ulama and Mashaikh Board in a statement on 19th Sep.

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The conference scheduled to be held at Moradabad Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Dhingarpur Pakbara Road will be adderesed by eminent Sunni Muslims scholars.

“The Government Schemes, Waqf Board, Haj Committee, Waqf Council, Minority representation etc in each and every state is occupied by only sect which is in minority and distributes the benefit for the interest of its group only. Even it works against this silent majority Sunni Muslims and Waqf board regularly acts to snatch Masjids and Properties from the custody of these Poor and uneducated Muslims there fore starting a war with in,” said Kichchouchwi adding these issues will be taken up at the conference. Besides, all major issues and problems of Muslim community specially Reservation to Muslim community, Waqf Amendment bill and establishment of Central Madarsa Board will also be discussed.

He claimed that the conference is expected to be attended by 3 lac Sunni Muslims.