Ahmedabad : A court here Tuesday rejected bail pleas of seven senior police officials who have been accused of killing Sohrabuddin Sheikh, an innocent youth, in a staged shootout here in 2005.
The court dismissed the bail petitions of suspended Indian Police Service (IPS) officers D.G. Vanjhara, M.N. Dinesh and Rajkumar Pandyan and four other senior police officers.
It said they were likely to influence the ongoing investigation or tamper with evidence.
Vanjhara, Dinesh and Pandyan were arrested April 24 following a Supreme Court directed probe into the killing of Sheikh, a resident of neighbouring Madhya Pradesh, and his wife Kausar Bi.
Sheikh was picked up in Andhra Pradesh by an anti-terrorist police team led by Vanjhara and brought to Ahmedabad, where he was killed in a faked gun battle with police.