Home India Politics Muslim League registration problem: MLKSC to merge in IUML

Muslim League registration problem: MLKSC to merge in IUML

By TCN News,

Kozhikode: The Muslim League Kerala State Committee will merge in the Indian Union Muslim League to solve the problem of registration related to the parties. While the procedures for merger are reportedly in the final stages, the solution to the problem will ultimately lie with the decision of the Election Commission.

Central Minister E Ahmed who is also serving as the national president of the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) was elected to the Lok Sabha in the name of the party registered as Muslim League Kerala State Committee (MLKSC) under the Election Commission. E Ahmed and ET Muhammed Basheer are members of the MLKSC as per the Lok Sabha records. So Ahmed has no right to continue as the national president of the IUML, which is another political party, said the complaint filed reportedly by certain members of the Tamil Nadu unit of the Muslim League.

When the Election Commission took up the complaint, the Muslim League reportedly explained that the MLKSC was part of the IUML which the EC refused to take in. So, the League has decided to show that both are one through its decision of merger. The Kerala state council of the Muslim League has accepted the merger earlier itself, according to reports.

Meanwhile, MG Davud Mian Khan, who led the discontented leaders in Tamil Nadu to move the EC on the matter of registration, had reportedly informed the EC of the new office-bearers of the IUML after throwing out the existing ones including E Ahmed. They have also reportedly formed another party named IUML, which is supposed to create more problems for the Muslim League which expects to retain its position as a national party. However, the League is hopeful of solving the issue by the merger which is expected to take place by the end of next month, according to reports.