Home Muslim World News Turkish leader warns of “globalization of terrorism”

Turkish leader warns of “globalization of terrorism”


Berlin : Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday warned of the “globalization of terrorism.”

Addressing the Munich security conference in Munich, he urged the international community to intensify efforts to combat global terrorism, among them the PKK terrorist group.

Erdogan made clear that the North Iraqi-based PKK was an “open security threat” for Turkey.

He stressed that Turkey’s anti-PKK military campaign would continue until “the terror ends.”
The Turkish official emphasized that his country remained committed to preserving Iraq’s territorial integrity.

The prime minister pointed also to the “threat of PKK terror for regional stability.”
Erdogan lashed out at several European countries for tolerating organizations which are acting on behalf of PKK.

The Turkish leader said that PKK’s involvement in the illicit drug trade and human trafficking was also “damaging Europe.”