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British Muslims speak out against barrage of Islamophobia


London : A coalition of Muslim organizations on Friday spoke out against the latest barrage of Islamophobia following the recent call by the Archbishop of Canterbury for the accommodation in Britain of some aspects of Sharia law.

The coalition, led by the Muslim Council of Britain and British Muslim Forum urged the country’s two million community to “stand up and be counted as equal citizens” in the face of the mass hysteria in the press and elsewhere.

“As many of our opinion-formers have now have proven to be incapable of creating a positive discourse, it is down to us, at grassroots level, to dispel the misconceptions, the hatred and the divisive extremism both against as well as amongst Muslims,” it said.

“Notwithstanding the barrage of hysteria and demonisation; despite the innuendo of disloyalty that bedevils our leaders and our institutions, and even though our media and public officials happily marginalize our faith and community, we are determined to redouble our efforts and seek the common good and reaffirm that we are equal citizens,” the coalition said.

The latest wave of Islamophobia comes after Archbishop Rowan Williams expressing concern that Britain’s secular laws are not always sensitive to how they may impact Muslims and suggesting certain aspects of Sharia law could be constructively accommodated.

The backlash also included an unprecedented vilification of the spiritual leader of the Church of England in the media and elsewhere, with the popularist Sun newspaper going as far as describing him as a “dangerous threat to the nation.”

In their joint statement, the Muslim organizations said they did “not seek parallel legal systems, nor do we aim to enforce on anyone any particular code or way of life.”
“But we do expect a fair discourse free from the current shrill hysteria screaming of impending doom from invading hordes,” their statement said.

The British Muslim community, they said, was a “rich mosaic bound by the universality of our faith” and was united in the belief that Islam along with other faiths “can be a force for good for Britain.” “As British Muslims we reaffirm our conviction in the British values of fair play and the rule of law and we see no incompatibility in these principles with Islam whose fundamental tenants include the pursuit of social justice,” the coalition said.

Their statement urged all fellow British Muslims “to reach out and create positive connections with neighbours and friends” and should remind themselves that with rights comes responsibilities and accountable to God for our thoughts as well as deeds.