Home Sports OIC: No Boycott, Support Beijing Olympics

OIC: No Boycott, Support Beijing Olympics

By Prensa Latina

Beijing : The 16th General Assembly of the National Olympic Committees Association firmly kept its position against a possible boycott to the 2008 Olympic Games in this capital.

The delegates of the 205 delegations attending the event at the China World Hotel in Beijing coincided that the Olympic Games are most of all a sports event, not for political or religious demonstrations.

“The philosophy of sports in the Olympic Games expressed in Rule 51 in the Olympic Chart will be applied in Beijing, just like it was applied in Athens, Greece in 2004, and it will be in London in 2012,” said the participants.

The possible boycott promoted by some personalities and entities starting from separatist actions in Tibet was categorically rejected, and the delegations committed themselves to send their best athletes.

In the opinion of Julio Maglione, president of the Uruguayan Olympic Committee, Beijing will be a symbol for friendship, understanding and peace.

Chilean delegate Jaime Agliatti assured the attempt to make the 2008 Olympics mix with political interests will fail.

The Cuban delegation considered the role taken by some non-governmental organizations and other institutions, personalities and press media against China is deplorable.

Jose Ramon Fernandez, president of the Cuban Olympic Committee, reasserted the Cuban condemnation to the campaign destined to undermine international trust on the 2008 Olympic Games organizers.

Mexican Mario Vazquez Rana demanded all countries their best effort in training their athletes to guarantee the success of the 2008 Olympics, which organizers have already won a medal, with the offering of excellent installations.

“We must stop interferences in the Chinese domestic affairs,” he stated.

All the delegations spoke in support to the organizers, who presented a detailed report on the preparations of the 2008 Olympic Games.