Home International Hillary Clinton Owes 20 Million Dollars

Hillary Clinton Owes 20 Million Dollars

By Prensa Latina,

Washington : The campaign of US Democrat presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton has reached a debt of 20 million dollars.

Even so, the former US First Lady rejects the calls for her to leave the struggle against her rival Barack Obama, said US newspaper The Washington Post Monday.

In its digital edition Monday, The Washington Post said the debit was confirmed by supervisors of Clinton who said the hole in her finances is not a reason to surrender to Barack Obama.

Only in the last month, Clinton was forced to lend more than 6 million dollars from her personal fortune to her presidential campaign funds.

Some days before she won in Pennsylvania in April, Clinton also injected 5 million dollars from her private fortune into her electoral finances.

Clinton is the favourite to win the primary elections in West Virginia, but that victory will not modify the disadvantage margin separating her from Barack Obama in the number of committed delegates too much, for the National Democrat Convention in August.

US website Real Clear Politics said Obama counts on the support of 1,866 delegates, while Clinton is supported by 1,697.

A politician of the Democrat Party needs at least the support of 2,025 delegates to be postulated for President.

In the primary elections in West Virginia, there will only be 27 representatives to the National Democrat Convention in dispute.

The National Democrat Convention will nominate the candidate for the political group in August, to dispute the post in the White House against Republican candidate John McCain in November.