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Fallacy about British Muslims dispelled


London : A six-member British Muslim delegation that visited Pakistan last week claimed that it has been able to remove misconceptions about the Muslims living in UK and said the community is playing an important role in the society while retaining its religious values.

At a briefing arranged at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on Thursday evening, three of the members spoke about Pakistan experience and said their discussion with the members of the civil society, students and politicians had led to cross fertilisation of ideas and useful inter-action.

The visit was undertaken as a part of “Promoting British Islam programme”.

The six-member delegation consisted of British nationals of Pakistani origin who are successful in different fields of life.

Their visit was supported by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and aimed at sharing their experiences as Muslims in Britain today, by engaging in constructive dialogue and debate and increase mutual understanding.

The delegation reflected a broad cross-section of the Muslims from the communities across the UK.

The members included Jahangir Malik, UK Manager of Islamic Relief, Mohammed Imran, Muslim Youth Helpline, Zareen Roohi Ahmed, Head of Muslim Engagement at Waterhouse Consulting Group, Adeeba Malik, Chief Executive of QED-UK; Azeez Ibrahim, Founder of Ibrahim Foundation and Shaheen Taj, Founder and Director of All Wales Saheli Association .

According to Zareen Roohi Ahmad, the visit provided a platform for British Muslims to challenge misconceptions about the reality of life for Muslims in Britain, and showcase the integral role Muslims play in British society.

The delegation members were in Islamabad when the Danish Embassy was bombed and Jahangir Malik said the incident was stark reminder of the need to amplify the voice of mainstream British Muslims to counterbalance the extremist ideology.

Imran said they had robust and thoughtful discussion with the University students as well as those studying in the Madrassah and felt there is a mutual role for everyone in bridge building and creating better understanding across the divide.

They also met Foreign Minister Shah Memood Qureshi and the Azad Kashmir Prime Minister Sardar Atique Ahmad Khan and had discussion with both on improving further the relations between the two countries.

The members of the delegation informed their Pakistani counterparts of how multiculturalism in Britain is helping different communities to thrive with respect and tolerance for each other.

Jahangir pointed out that when London bombings took place on July 7 2005 it did not impaired relations with Pakistan rather three months later the British rapid response force was first to arrive in Islamabad to render assistance when the October 8 earthquake occurred.

The members agreed in a response to a question that social deprivation does exist among the Muslim community but said the onus is on them to improve their status as UK offers equal opportunity for all to prosper and progress.

However, they also pointed that several new generation Muslims have excelled in various professions and could become role models for others.