Home Muslim World News Syria: Stop Israel Outrage in Golan

Syria: Stop Israel Outrage in Golan

By Prensa Latina,

Damascus : Syria called the United Nations to exert pressure on Israel to stop its “ongoing inhumane practices” against Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan Heights.

Members of a UN Special Committee that is investigating Israel’s abuses on the occupied Arab territories were welcomed at the local Foreign Ministry, where they were briefed on human rights violations committed in the Golan Heights.

The report underlined daily flagrant violations by Israeli authorities, and pointed out that the Syrian citizens’ conditions are worsening day by day as a result of Israel practices.

Israel, says the document, displaces Syrian residents from their birthplace, confiscates their farms and expands the the settlements where a tourist village was set up lately on an area of 40.000 m.

“Israel still buries the poisonous nuclear wastes in the Golan in a flagrant violation of the international legitimacy resolutions…. And the Syrian citizens are still exposed to the explosion of mines planted by Israeli occupation forces and the number of injured people by the explosions reached at 67among them 17 children,” the report said.

The Syrian government urged the UN to inmediately intervene and take necessary procedures to release the Syrian prisoners in Israeli detention camps.

“Syria renews commitment to achieve the just and comprehensive peace in the region, based on international UN relevant resolution and the land-for-peace formula that guarantees the returning back of the occupied Syrian Golan and the occupied Arab territories into the line of June 4th, 1967,” the report said.

The head of the investigation committee, Sri Lankan Ambassador Prasad Kariyawasam, condemned Tel Aviv’s decision not to allow the team to enter the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Golan to see the Arab people’s sufferings on site.