Clinton official and friend endorses Obama


Washington : A long time friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton and a member of the former president’s cabinet has announced he was endorsing opponent Barack Obama’s bid for the White House.

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Robert Reich, a renowned economist who served as Clinton labour secretary in the 1990s, announced his support for Obama on his blogging website Friday.

“My conscience won’t let me be silent any longer,” Reich said. “I believe that Barack Obama should be elected president of the US.”

Reich, now a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, said that even though Clinton has offered sound economic policies, be believes that Obama’s proposals are superior.

“He also presents the best chance of creating a new politics in which citizens become active participants rather than cynical spectators,” Reich said. “He has energised many who had given up on politics.”

Clinton and Obama remain in a tight race for the Democratic nomination and are heavily fighting to win the state of Pennsylvania in balloting Tuesday. John McCain has already sewn up the Republican nomination.

Reich said his endorsement came late in the campaign because of “the pull of old friendships” and his desire as a teacher not to be openly partisan.

Reich joined another former Clinton secretary, Bill Richardson, in backing Obama. Richardson, now the governor of New Mexico, had served as energy secretary during the Clinton administration.