McCain takes Woman as Formula Partner

By Prensa Latina,

Washington : US Republican presidential candidate John McCain appointed Sarah Palin, Governor of the state of Alaska, as his electoral formula partner for the November 4 general elections.

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In an electoral meeting at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, McCain presented Sarah Palin as his candidate for Vice President of the US.

Palin is exactly what I need, she is exactly what the US needs, he stated.

Palin was grateful for McCain’s decision and called US women to vote for the Republican Party in the November 4 general elections.

Palin, 44 years old, is graduated as a journalist, located in the conservative wing of the Republican Party, a member of the US National Rifle Association, which makes powerful pressure for the sale of firearms, and defends oil extraction in the natural reserves of Alaska.

Palin who grew in Wasilla, near Anchorage, studied in the University of Idaho. She worked in a business of commercial fishing next to her husband, and as a sportscaster before starting politics.

Palin is loved and respected by the US conservatives due to her registration in cutting taxes, her opposition to abortion and other topics. Her place in the republican formula could help McCain to come closer to the Christian base of the Republican Party.

Before being chosen behind as Governor two years ago, she acted in the Municipal Council of Wasilla and as Mayor of the town. Later she was appointed in the Commission of Conservation of Petroleum and Gas of Alaska, where she learned on the energy industry of the state.

She has irritated environmentalists for her opposition to add polar bears to the list of threatened species and is in favor of the extractions of petroleum and gas in front of the coast of Alaska.

Perhaps her biggest vulnerability are her youth and lack of administrative experience, since she has spent just two years leading the government of Alaska.