Russia Shuns US-Spurred Use of Force

By Prensa Latina,

Moscow : The US promotes the cult to the use of force rather than respect to world laws, said Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to CNN network.

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“If we are talking of prestige, that of other countries like the US has seriously deteriorated lately,” added Putin concerning US attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq.

He warned that Russia wants to cooperate with its neighbors but if any one wants to come and kill us, then he should think of the consequences of that policy for themselves.

Putin referred to Georgia’s August 7 attack on Tsjinvali, South Ossetia, and the battalion of Russian peace keepers assigned to the autonomy since 1992 by the Community of Independent States.

It is not a secret that we studied all variants of the crisis, including direct Georgia attack, so we devised protection of our peace keepers and Russian citizens in S. Ossetia, said the premier.

Putin also lashed at alleged Russian attempts to attack other regions hosting broad Russian diasporas like Moldova, Central Asia, or ex Soviet Republics with coasts on the Baltic Sea.

He reminded that Russia was victim not the assailant, and urged to commit not to attack his country, before explaining the August 7 attack.

Putin, that relied on unconfirmed comments by Russian military, hinted involvement by US citizens in combat, adding if true it could only be owed to direct Command orders.

The Russian premier reminded that military specialists, even simple advisors for troop training, must do it at training areas, never in combat zones.