Kuwait City : An Arab journalist said here Sunday that the IAEA Chief Mohammed ElBaradei’s Iran report proved that statements by Iran that its nuclear program is peaceful are correct.
Ghadeh Abdussalam told IRNA that the report was in Iran’s favor and due to this reason the US started speaking of tightening anti-Iran sanctions before the release of the report.
He said the report had been drafted to some extent impartially and because of this, the report should be regarded as victory of Iranian politicians and failure of US statesmen.
The Kuwaiti journalist pointed to improvement of Iran’s relations with its neighbors despite western pressures and insinuations that Iran’s nuclear energy is a danger.
He said that relations among regional states have improved following the recent exchange of visits among their officials, especially after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s attendance in the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council’s Doha summit and the new IAEA report can help further bolster the relations.
On the impact of ElBaradei’s report on the UN Security Council’s approach of issuing new resolution against Iran, the journalist said that since the Council is under the US domination and pressure, especially on issues related to Iran, the region, Lebanon and Palestine, it will not wait to see such reports and does not pay heed to realities.
He said that in this respect, the US only seeks implementation of its own policies and upholding the interests of Israel in the region.
He further opined that ElBaradei’s report turned US into despair and the US State Department maintained that prior to release of the report that more sanctions will be issued against Iran.
This shows that they do not wait for any proof and evidence and will implement whatever is in line with their and Israel’s interests, he added.
Abdussalam said that Iran has time and again announced that it does not seek nuclear arms, rather it wants nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
He said recent reports of ElBaradei and the US NIE report are other proofs of this.
He added that the US does not want to find out realities, so will not wait to see the IAEA report because it does not consider it to be to its own benefit and wants to stir up tension.
ElBaradei’s 11-page report said that the UN nuclear watchdog was able to resolve the outstanding issues with Iran.
IAEA said that Tehran has cooperated in other areas of an IAEA probe, leading the agency to put to rest for now suspicions that several past experiments and activities were linked to a weapons program.
IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei, who drew up the report, said his team had made quite good progress in clarifying the outstanding issues that had to do with Iran’s past nuclear activities.
ElBaradei said Iran explained some of its activities linked by the Americans to a weapons program as work on air bags and for the design of safety belts, according to the report.
The report will be the focus of discussions at an IAEA board report starting March 3.