Home Muslim World News Massacre of Karbala pilgrims aimed at flickering religious crisis – Fazlallah

Massacre of Karbala pilgrims aimed at flickering religious crisis – Fazlallah


Beirut : A Lebanese Shi’a source of jurisprudence said here Friday massacring pilgrims of Imam Hussain’s shrine in Karbala on Thursday was a new effort aimed at flickering religious crisis.

Seyyed Mohammad-Hossein Fazlallah made the comment in his Friday prayer sermon at a southern Beirut district, adding, “Flickering the flames of religious disputes serves the interests of the occupiers and as a an excuse for them to lengthen their troublesome presence in Iraq.”
Fazlallah pointed out that the ratio of unemployment, illiteracy and poverty is constantly rising in Arab countries despite those countries’ immense wealth, asking those countries’ leaders: Where to are you leading your poor nations?!”
He considered the bilateral meetings among Arab world leaders as vague and useless meeting”, adding, “What has been the use of thousands of such meetings in solving the acute problems with which the Arab nations have been entangled in political, economic and international fields?”
He meanwhile condemned the apparently endless brutal massacre of Palestinians, particularly women and children, by the Zionist regime, amid the dead silence of the West and the Arab world leaders.

The south Beirut Friday preacher considered Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Sudan that are today the scenes for crises, as footholds for activities of the international trouble makers, adding, “Look at what they have been making in Darfur for instance in the course of these past few years.”
He predicted that the Arabic plan for solving the Lebanese political crisis might be a part of an operation aimed at deceiving the Lebanese nation, because it does not take roots in obvious guidelines for crisis solving, particularly on establishment of a national unity government.

Fazlallah emphasized, “One of the problems with the ongoing Lebanese crisis is that the leaders of this country do not shoulder their responsibilities for solving it, and instead the international circles spend efforts to lead it in a way to serve their own political, economic, and security interests.”