By Prensa Latina,
Luanda : Angolan President and leader of local Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) Jose Eduardo dos Santos called the people to fight to get victorious in the legislative elections in September.
“The victory won’t come down from heaven, and it won’t be given to us in a silver salver. We have to fight for the victory,” said the Angolan President at the opening of the 3rd MPLA National Conference that started Friday to conclude Saturday in this capital.
Dos Santos said they need to work to get the victory and the legislative elections will be highly competitive, before a plenary of 1,500 delegates.
Making a summary, he pointed out that no other political party in Angola has a better position to win, and guarantee welfare for the whole community and population.
Dos Santos reminded MPLA is the biggest political force in Angola, with popular roots, rejecting and fighting ideas using racism, tribalism and regionalism to divide the national territory.