Mumbai : Continuing its campaign against north Indian migrants in the state, the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) said it will start a 364-day ‘Hatt Puja’ campaign June 14 to counter the ‘Chhath Puja’ celebrated widely by Biharis.
This campaign (to remove migrants), which is to begin on the birthday of MNS chief Raj Thackeray, is to “oppose” Bihar’s one-day ‘Chhath Puja’ festival, the party said.
Haji Arafat Sheikh, party vice president, said: “They can perform Chhath Puja for one day and the remaining days we will conduct Hatt Puja. Through this campaign we will get justice for Maharashtra.”
Letters, to be sent to state government officials, say: “How is that ‘outsiders’ set up stalls, steal electricity from street poles, encroach on our roads and cause problems to honest tax-paying citizens, and yet no action is taken against them?”
Despite repeated attempts, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) Maharashtra spokesperson was not available for comment.