By Prensa Latina,
Washington : US President George W. Bush asked Congress for funds to boost covert operations against Iran to destabilize the country, The New Yorker magazine reported.
According to an article by Seymour Hersh, Bush requested the funds to Democratic and Republican House and Senate leaders, as well as ranking members of the intelligence committees. The funding was approved in late 2007.
Hersh quoted intelligence officials and Congress sources who said that the US government “was focused on undermining Iran’s nuclear ambitions and trying to undermine the government through regime change,” and involved “working with opposition groups and passing money.”
According to the article, the funding approved by Congressional leaders to subvert political order in Iran amounted to 400 million dollars, and would benefit the Jundallah, also known as the Iranian People’s Resistance Movement.
In April 2006, Hersh published another article in which he assured that Bush planned to order an attack against Iranian nuclear facilities in Natanz, using atomic bombs, although Tehran had guaranteed that it was developing nuclear power with civilian uses.
Hersh commented that Bush and other Republican leaders have described Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a potential Adolf Hitler, the same label they used to describe overthrown Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
Last month, The Jerusalem Post said that the US president plans to attack Iran before leaving the Oval Office in January 2009.