Anger Boils Over: Students Demand Justice Amid NEET Result Controversy

KYS members are showing posters against NTA

Snobar Khan,

New Delhi: Amid widespread dissatisfaction following the release of the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (Undergraduate) or NEET-UG 2024 results on June 4, hundreds of students staged a protest in front of the Ministry of Education on June 10 against the suspected irregularities surrounding the pre-medical entrance examination.

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Emerging at around 11 am, a unified cohort of students displayed banners emblazoned with grievances related to the alleged NEET scandal, bravely voicing their demands for justice in the face of a heightened police presence.

Beyond decrying the “NEET scam” itself, the demonstrators also expressed discontent with the current education system — citing concerns over the centralization of education through initiatives like the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, the compulsory University Grants Commission–National Eligibility Test (UGC-NET) criteria for Ph.D. admissions and alleged encroachments on universities’ autonomy to conduct its own entrance examinations.

They called for an immediate and impartial inquiry into the alleged widespread corruption plaguing the NEET examination process.

Highlighting purported statistical anomalies in this year’s NEET results, including an unusually high number of candidates scoring 720 out of 720, the protesters pointed to instances such as eight toppers from one examination center in Haryana as potential evidence of a “paper leak”.

Additionally, the alleged dubious validity of scores such as 718 and 719 out of 720, attributed by the National Testing Agency (NTA) to grace marks, was vehemently contested.

Activists demand justice against NEET scam

Navjot Singh, who has recently completed masters in philosophy and is member of the All India Students Association (AISA), a Left wing student organisation, underscored the implausibility of certain scores, emphasizing the critical need for transparency in the evaluation process.

“We stand before the Education Ministry today to denounce the inconsistencies evident in the NEET results. This year’s staggering surge in the number of top scorers, from merely two last year to an astonishing 67 this year, raises profound concerns. Moreover, the arithmetic impossibility of attaining scores such as 718 or 719 out of 720, given the exam’s grading system, begs a critical inquiry into the evaluation process,” remarked Singh.

He said those who have qualified are poised to become our future physicians; and therefore, it is their (the agitators’) prerogative to demand transparency regarding the criteria behind the unprecedented scores.

“Furthermore, the alarming reports of paper leaks and discrepancies across various language versions of the exam in Rajasthan cast a shadow of doubt over the integrity of the entire examination process. As students who dedicate ourselves to rigorous preparation, we deserve equitable treatment and fair evaluation. We are compelled to question the authorities on why these discrepancies have arisen. Despite ideological differences, our collective unity underscores our shared commitment to holding the government accountable,” he told

Amit Anand, student of Geo from DU

Amit Anand, a geography honours student at the Delhi University, shared poignant accounts of friends deeply affected by the alleged scandal, illustrating the devastating impact on aspirants’ prospects of securing admission to prestigious institutions.

“I had several friends who aspired to crack the NEET examination. One of them achieved a score of 630 out of 720 this year, but his demeanor has drastically changed. Despite being with his family, he has withdrawn into silence, refusing to engage with anyone. His despondency stems from the realization that a score of 630, which was previously sufficient for admission to government colleges, now appears inadequate due to this scandal. Similarly, another friend of mine, a female candidate, obtained 600 marks. Determined to pursue her dreams, she has resolved to restart her preparations and attempt the examination again next year,” he recounted.

Sumit, another geography student, launched a scathing critique against the NTA, holding it accountable for the alleged malpractices and advocating for substantial reforms within the organization.

“Whether it’s the issue of paper leaks or compromised examination centers, accountability ultimately falls on the shoulders of the NTA. Despite its denial of any paper leak, what about the students who invested countless hours preparing diligently for the examination? Their efforts have been squandered, and their academic year jeopardized. It is the NTA’s responsibility to answer for these injustices. We demand a reevaluation of the current examination system, advocating for either the transfer of examination-conducting responsibilities from the NTA back to universities or comprehensive reforms within the NTA itself,” he said.

Bilal, a student rights activist, emphasized the profound repercussions of the alleged examination scam on students and their families, lamenting the disparity between their toil and the nefarious gains of purported unscrupulous actors within the education system.


“The NEET examination witnessed participation of 24 lakh students this year, representing the aspirations of countless individuals who strive tirelessly for academic excellence. Families make significant financial sacrifices to support their children’s aspirations, as students dedicate years of rigorous preparation to excel in this crucial test. However, the revelation of paper leaks undermines their hard work and dedication. While unscrupulous entities profit from these illicit activities, the dreams and efforts of sincere students are rendered futile,” he stated.

Referring to the suicide case of a NEET aspirant, he concluded, “The ramifications of this systemic failure extend far beyond academic disappointment, profoundly impacting the lives of aspirants. Tragically, instances of suicides underscore the devastating toll of these controversies. While previous instances may have gone unnoticed, the current wave of protests has thrust the issue into the spotlight. It is imperative that the government acknowledges these grievances and takes decisive action to rectify this grave injustice. We are committed to ensuring that stringent measures are implemented to address this scandal.”