From Hope to Despair: NEET-UG 2024 Exam Results Leave Students Disheartened, Mentally Harassed

Devanshi Batra, New Delhi: The Supreme Court on June 21 once more refused to halt National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (Undergraduate) or NEET-UG 2024 counselling amidst a...

‘Limiting Our Future’: Students from Marginalised Communities Condemn Maharashtra’s Revised Scholarship Requirements

Snobar, New Delhi: The Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Scholarship, aimed at supporting marginalized students from Maharashtra pursuing education abroad, has recently undergone significant revisions. Previously, the...

‘A Year of Hard Work Wasted’: Students Rage as UGC-NET Exam Canceled Amid Allegations...

Musheera Ashraf, Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh): Twenty-five-year-old Shaheen, determined to secure a Ph.D. seat, chose to remain in her hostel room in Hyderabad for her exams...

Anger Boils Over: Students Demand Justice Amid NEET Result Controversy

Snobar Khan, New Delhi: Amid widespread dissatisfaction following the release of the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (Undergraduate) or NEET-UG 2024 results on June 4, hundreds of...

From Struggles to Success: Inspiring Stories of Kashmir’s NEET Qualifiers

Tauseef Ahmad, Srinagar: The National Testing Agency (NTA) recently announced the results of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) 2024 for admissions into various...

A Hijabi’s Rise: Alfiya Ansari’s Success Story in the Face of ‘Bias’ at Mumbai...

K K Ahmed, Mumbai: Hijab-clad Alfiya Ansari allegedly faced discrimination at NG Acharya College, the first educational institution in the city that banned wearing headscarves...

Hyderabad Siblings Launch India’s First All-Women Taxi Bike Service

Nikhat Fatima, Hyderabad: “It was while commuting to college that I began exploring ideas for safe travel for women after personally facing security issues....


The TCN-SEED Apprenticeship offers aspiring journalists an opportunity to build their communication skills and professional network under the guidance of experienced mentors. The vision...

I Feel Unmistakable Sense of Belonging: Rishab Dahiya, the Photographer Behind  Powerful Photographs of...

Aatika S | Aatika S. interviews Rishab Dahiya, a dalit photographer and a filmmaker who is famous for clicking powerful pictures of members of...

JKSSB exams postponed, aspirants approach SC over hiring of blacklisted agency to conduct tests

The postponement has come amid growing protests by aspirants over the administration’s decision to hire tainted Aptech Limited to conduct the exams.  Ubair ul...

ग्राउंड रिपोर्ट : बिहार में स्नातक की डिग्री में लगते हैं छह और परास्नातक...

आसिफ इकबाल | बिहार के आरा की रहने वाली अपर्णा कुमारी की इच्छा दिल्ली के जेएनयू से पीएचडी कर प्रोफेसर बनने की है। लेकिन...

A fashion designer turns her village home into garment manufacturing unit

Tabassum Jabeen's entrepreneurial journey began amidst the Covid lockdown. Sufi Parween |  PATNA (BIHAR) — A whirring sound from a nondescript building in the middle...

Empowering Wardha’s Dalits through e-commerce

Sanghamitra Store is an online e-commerce platform run by five Dalit youth that showcases affordable handicrafts and art made by the community. Riya Talitha...

Giving shoes a new life in Patna

Shazia Qaiser runs the state’s first shoe laundry service. Sufi Parween | PATNA (BIHAR) — A black and green board reading “Revival: Service Centre for...

DU professor on why legislation is needed to prevent caste discrimination in higher educational...

Professor N. Sukumar's new book studies the exclusion and discrimination against Scheduled Caste (SC) students in the Indian higher education system and the...

हैदराबाद छात्र संघ चुनाव में अंबेडकरवादियों का जलवा

    हैदराबाद छात्र संघ चुनाव में अंबेडकर वादियों और सामाजिक न्याय के पैरोकारो ने झंडा गाड़ दिया है। एएसए,डीडीयू, एसएफआई और अंबेडकर स्टूडेंट्स एसोसिएशन गठबंधन...

‘Govt discontinued Maulana Azad fellowship because it doesn’t want Muslims to pursue higher education,’...

For many post-doctoral Muslim students, discontinuing of Maulana Azad Fellowship (MANF) by the Central government means acquiring higher education for the economically marginalized...

Untouchables in predatory world of EdTech industry: Making a case for recognition of critical...

Digital learning carries with it the same biases and inequities that dominate the sphere of traditional education. Riya Talitha |  NEW DELHI — Rishab P,...

Noted SC lawyer Ehtesham Hashmi dies of heart attack in New Delhi

Advocate Ehtesham Hashmi, who died today aged 37, was well-known for fighting cases of victims of communal violence and often without fees.  Huneza Khan...

Bhise’s visual expression of critical Ambedkarite imagery a landmark moment for mainstream Indian art

Vikrant Bhise’s recent work is influenced by the Dalit Panther movement.  Riya Talitha | NEW DELHI — Walking into the Centre for Contemporary Arts at...

Bihar: Lack of sponsors derails national-level Karate player’s dream to attend international tournaments

25-year-old Zabir Ansari is a national-level Karate player from Bihar and has won many accolades but lack of sponsors is likely to derail...

Patna University gets first Dalit head of Hindi department in 86 years

62-year-old Dilip Ram is a Dalit Professor who began his career as a primary school teacher and now heads the department of Hindi...

एक और ख़्वाब का अंत , ‘पढ़ो प्रदेश ‘ योजना बंद

आकिल हुसैन। मौलाना आजाद फेलोशिप के बाद अब केंद्र सरकार के अल्पसंख्यक मंत्रालय ने अल्पसंख्यक छात्रों की विदेशों में पढ़ने के लिए दी जाने...

10 facts about Rehman Rahi, Kashmir’s greatest 20th century poet

Rehman Rahi's death on January 9 was mourned across Kashmir.  Afnan Habib |  SRINAGAR (JAMMU AND KASHMIR) — Professor Abdul Rehman Rahi, a well-known Kashmiri...

Celebrated Kashmiri poet Rehman Rahi dies at 98

Rehman Rahi has profoundly impacted Kashmiri culture and literature as a respected poet, forward-thinking critic, and literary theorist. Afnan Habib |  SRINAGAR (JAMMU AND...

साल 2022 की टीसीएन की कुछ शानदार रिपोर्ट

टीम टीसीएन। वर्ष 2022 संपन्न हो गया। हमें कई तरह के राजनीतिक और सामाजिक बदलाव देखने को मिले। इस दौरान पत्रकारिता का धर्म...

84 meritorious students from across India felicitated at event in Delhi

The two-day event was organized by the Delhi Youth Welfare Association (DYWA) and the American Federation of Muslims of Indian origin (AFMI) in...

एक और सानिया मिर्ज़ा, इस बार पहली फाइटर पायलट

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। यूपी के मिर्जापुर की सानिया का चयन एनडीए परीक्षा में हुआ है। वो देश की पहली मुस्लिम महिला हैं और उत्तर प्रदेश...

आजमगढ़ के 12वी पास सलमान का कमाल , नैनो से बना दिया हेलीकॉप्टर, शादियों...

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। आजमगढ़ के 12 तक पढ़े युवक सलमान ने अपने तकनीकी ज्ञान की बेहतरीन नुमाइश करते हुए नैनो कार से हेलीकॉप्टर बना दिया...

Meet Falak Naaz, who braved poverty to make it to India’s U19 Women’s T-20...

18-year-old Falak Naaz comes from a poor family in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. This did not stop her from dreaming to play for national...

‘Discontinuing Maulana Azad fellowship blow to students from minority community,’ say experts

The objective of the now scrapped scheme was to provide integrated five-year fellowships in the form of financial assistance to students from minority...

Maulana Azad scholarship for research scholars from minority communities to stop: Centre

The fellowship for scholars from the minority communities was started during the UPA regime as part of implementing the Sachar Committee recommendations.  TCN News  NEW...

‘Public is biggest pillar of journalism,’ What Ravish Kumar said in his address after...

Ravish Kumar joined NDTV as a translator in 1996. In 27 years, his shows like Hum Log, Ravish ki Report, Des Ki Baat, and...

ग्राऊंड रिपोर्ट : कोरोना ने जिनकी मासूमियत छीन ली और मुस्तक़बिल बिगाड़ दिया !

यह ग्राऊंड रिपोर्ट बताती है कि कोरोना की महामारी ने नोनिहालो की जिंदगी को बर्बाद कर दिया, गरीब परिवारों के बच्चें इससे ज्यादा प्रभावित...

Meet Naziya & Shabrun, two Muslim nurses from Bihar awarded by President Murmu for...

The young nurses believe that more Muslim girls across the country should opt for the nursing profession to serve society.  Sami Ahmad | PATNA...

क्या कर्नाटक में मुस्लिम लड़कियों का शैक्षिक भविष्य अंधकार में चला गया है !

कर्नाटक हिजाब को लेकर हुए नकारात्मक चर्चा का असर लड़कियों की शिक्षा पर हो गया है, बहुत सी लड़कियों ने स्कूल जाना बंद कर...

‘Come Eat With Me’: Exploring caste through cooking Dalit cuisine in upper caste kitchens

In an interview with, award winning Dalit theatre artist Sri Vamsi Matta talks about his experiences as a Dalit which inform the questions,...

8 साल से बोरी ढोने की मजदूरी कर रहा था मोहसिन मंसूरी, अब केबीसी...

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। एक कहावत है मेहनत का फल भले देरी से मिले लेकिन मिलता मीठा है। और यह कहावत राजस्थान के भीलवाड़ा की मंडी...

Who is Nabeela Syed, the Indian-American Muslim woman who made history in US midterm...

An Indian-American hijab-wearing Muslim woman has made history by becoming the youngest person to win the election for Illinois’ 51st Congressional District. Afnan Habib...

This Muslim-run NGO run in Hyderabad helps women build sustainable livelihoods

SAFA is an NGO that has changed the lives of thousands of women from poor economic groups in Hyderabad and given them hope...

मदरसों के पक्ष में मायावती ने उठाई आवाज़

आकिल हुसैन। बसपा प्रमुख मायावती उत्तर प्रदेश में अपनी खोई हुई ज़मीन मुस्लिम वोटरों के जरिए तलाशने में लगीं हैं। पिछले कुछ समय से...

यूपीपीसीएस के परिणाम में इस बार 26 मुसलमान, पहले से बेहतर है परफॉर्मेंस

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। हाल ही में उत्तर प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग ने पीसीएस 2021 का रिजल्ट घोषित कर दिया है, इस बार उत्तर प्रदेश को...

Upper caste groups continue to dominate newsrooms across India: report

The report examined around 43 Indian print, TV, and digital media outlets for their coverage, the social location of the leadership, and the caste...

मां चराती थी भैंस ,पिता बनाते थे ट्रक की बॉडी ,बेटा है देश का...

मोहम्मद अली के लिए नींबू बेचकर एवं मैकडॉनल्ड्स में नौकरी करके अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी करने वाला जाकिर खान एक ऐसा नौजवान है जिसके...

भोजपुरी फिल्मों की मशहूर अभिनेत्री सहर अफशा ने इस्लाम के लिए छोड़ी फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। उत्तर प्रदेश में बेहद लोकप्रिय भोजपुरी फिल्मों की अभिनेत्री सहर अफशा ने अभिनय की दुनिया को खुद से जुदा कर करते हुए...

सोनभद्र का रामबाबु : वेटर के तौर पर अपमान झेला ,लोकडाउन में नौकरी...

मोहम्मद आसिम। उत्तर प्रदेश के सबसे पिछड़े इलाकों में शुमार करने वाले आदिवासी बहुल क्षेत्र सोनभद्र के लाल ने कमाल जैसा कुछ कर दिया...

TCN Positive: Meet Rehna Shajahan who Set World Record by Doing 81 Online Certificate...

  By Snobar | Rehna Shajahan, a multi-degree holder from Kerala's Kottayam city, made a world record by becoming the first person who achieved 81...

Teachers Association Calls for JNU’s withdrawal from UGC-NTA common entrances

 “National Education Policy facilitates exclusion of students from marginalized groups, dismantles their right to education.” By Aatika S. | The Jawaharlal Nehru University Teachers Association...

खोजबीन : क्या सचमुच नीट के रिजल्ट में मुस्लिम बच्चों ने कोई कमाल कर...

आकिल हुसैन। नीट 2022 की परीक्षा में लगभग 1200 मुस्लिम बच्चों ने सफलता हासिल की है इनमें से कई बच्चे मदरसा बैकग्राउंड के...

जेएनयू में प्रवेश प्रक्रिया की जटिलता को लेकर उठ रहे गंभीर सवाल

आलोक राजपूत जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय (जेएनयू) विभिन्न राष्ट्रीय विवादों एवं गरमा-गरम बहसो का केंद्र बिंदु रहा हैं। हालांकि स्वयं जेएनयू के भीतर व्याप्त विभिन्न...

Meet Saba Haider: An Indian-Muslim woman running for DuPage county board election in US

Saba is the only candidate of Indian origin among 19 elected members from the state of Illinois. She came to the United States in...

‘My dignity is under attack’: Safoora Zargar after Jamia cancels her admission

Student activist Safoora Zargar speaks to about her ordeal.  Muhammed Nihad PV | NEW DELHI — Jamia Millia Islamia on Monday, August 29 cancelled the...

Israil Mansuri: From Mukhiya to a Minister

The new information technology minister of Bihar Mohammad Israil Mansuri belongs to a socially backward Dhuniya community. Sami Ahmad |  PATNA (BIHAR) — Mohammad Israil...

मौलाना आज़ाद यूनिवर्सिटी में 16 छात्र हॉस्टल से सस्पेंड, भोजनालय के शुल्क में बढ़ोतरी...

जिब्रानउद्दीन। मौलाना आज़ाद नेशनल उर्दू यूनिवर्सिटी में बीते दिनों भोजनालय के शुल्क में हुए बढ़ौतरी के विरोध में प्रदर्शन करना वहां के कुछ छात्रों...

Popular calligraphy artist from Kerala aims to ‘build bridges between communities with his art’

A graphic designer by profession, Abdul Kareem, who is popularly known as Kareemgrahy, left his job at an American company in Qatar last...

Gurucool, a Jamia alumni-led ed-tech start-up launches app for underprivileged

The Padhai app will provide academic space for learning and to make quality education accessible for the underprivileged.  Mohd. Umair Yunus | NEW DELHI — Gurucool,...

उलझ गया है कि यूक्रेन में छात्रों की वापसी का मामला, परिजनों में निराशा

मुहम्मद आसिम। Two यूक्रेन की विनिशिया मैडिकल यूनिवर्सिटी में पढ़ने वाली छात्रा अस्मिता इस समय काफी चर्चा में है। अस्मिता दिल्ली की रहने वाली...

Aurangabad: CISF Inspector conferred with prestigious Utkrisht Seva Padak

Inspector Shiraz Khan has received more than 20 rewards for outstanding service at the Central Industrial Security Forces (CISF).  Basil Islam |  NEW DELHI —...

कानपुर के स्कूल में हुई इस्लामिक प्रेयर तो गंगाजल से किया गया पवित्र

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। उत्तर प्रदेश के कानपुर में एक निजी स्कूल के प्रबंधन के खिलाफ प्रेयर के दौरान इस्लामिक प्रार्थना करवाने के मामले में एफआईआर...

‘My journalism seems to be the reason for these travel restrictions’: journalist Aakash Hassan...

Independent journalist Aakash Hassan from Kashmir writes for The Guardian and has covered human rights and politics from the region for reputed media outlets...

How Tamil filmmaker Pa Ranjith is bringing marginalised into the mainstream

The brain behind several hit films in Tamil, Pa Ranjith is forcing us to confront caste in all its complexities. Smitha R | NEW DELHI...

40 हजार की आबादी वाले कस्बे में एक भी बालिका विद्यालय नही , मगर...

मोहम्मद वसीम Two के लिए पुरकाज़ी के चेयरमैन ज़हीर फारूकी एक बड़ी फाइल हमें दिखाते हुए बताते हैं कि वो लगातार अधिकारियों से पत्राचार...

Muslim institutes bring empowerment to a coastal village in Kerala

Muslims of Edavanakad in Vypin island of Kerala have set a vibrant example of empowerment by building community institutions that provide education, and interest-free...

पटना के महादलित परिवार के बेटे को अमेरिका में ढाई करोड़ की स्कॉलरशिप

आकिल हुसैन। बिहार के पटना के एक दलित दिहाड़ी मजदूर परिवार का बेटा अमेरिका में अपना भविष्य संवारेगा। पटना के फुलवारी शरीफ के गोनपुरा गांव...

Why has music maestro Ilayaraja been nominated to Rajya Sabha?

Many believe that Ilayaraja’s praise for prime minister Modi and the BJP’s agenda to give token representation to Dalits led to his nomination.  Basil Islam...

Who is RB Sreekumar, the top cop arrested in 2002 Gujarat riots case?

In the wake of the 2002 Gujarat riots, Sreekumar questioned the Narendra Modi administration’s claims of peace and exposed the apparent collaboration between law...

‘No designation and delayed salaries’: Hard lives of Delhi’s Dengue Breeding Checkers

Even after rendering their services for more than 25 years now, these contractual workers feel exploited and left out.  Sanjana Chawla | NEW DELHI —  Thousands...

Immigrant Muslim woman to be the first hijab-wearing senator in Australian parliament

Fatima Payman is an Afghan-Australian woman whose family fled Afghanistan in 1999 to settle in Australia. Basil Islam |  NEW DELHI — Labor Party candidate...

Decline of Muslim candidates in civil services: not a single in the first 100

A total of 685 candidates cleared the UPSC exam, of whom only 25 are Muslim—the least number of candidates from the community to have...

In the eye of the storm: The rise of AAP’s Amanatullah Khan

48-year-old Amanatullah Khan grew in popularity after he consistently spoke for the Muslim community and has been in the eye of the storm throughout...

‘My aim is to serve the underprivileged,’ says Muslim surgeon from Hyderabad after cracking...

Dr Mustafa Hashmi is the only Muslim candidate from the south Indian state of Telangana making the UPSC list. He is one among the...

“I want to break the othering of Indian Muslims in media,” says film-maker Fahim...

In this free-wheeling interview, filmmaker Fahim Irshad of Aani Maani fame talks about the depiction of Indian Muslims in media, film, and society and...

Why are three Kashmiri students in jail after court granted them bail?

On March 30, the Allahabad High Court granted bail to all three students who were booked for sedition. They are still behind bars as...

How a Messi fan in Kerala village became a football journalist in Spain

Jushna Shahin’s passion for the sport made her achieve the unthinkable. Najiya O |  KERALA — Jushna Shahin’s earliest memories are of watching football matches on...

Do you know these women who won their right to Hijab?

These four Muslim women across the globe are resisting discrimination and reasserting their right to wear their Hijab.  Naila Khan |  NEW DELHI — The Karnataka...

यूक्रेन में फंसे भारतीय छात्रों का सहारा बने मेरठ के आलमगीर

जाकिर अली त्यागी के लिए यूक्रेन और रूस के बीच हफ़्तों से युद्ध चल रहा है,इस युद्ध मे यूक्रेन के कई शहरों ने...

Against all odds, this tribal boy from Srinagar cracks one of India’s toughest exams

Tufail Ahmad constantly struggled to get good internet connectivity and worked as a laborer to arrange funds for books. Auqib Javid | SRINAGAR — Tufail...

From a remote MP village to Mumbai Indians, journey of cricketer Arshad Khan

The left-arm seamer and left-hand batsman, Mohd Arshad Khan has been picked up by Mumbai Indians worth Rs 20 lakh in the mega...

5 things you need to know about the hijab row

The Hijab row has hogged national and international limelight. lists five things you need to know about the controversy.  Kaushik Raj | KARNATAKA...

अदुभुत बॉल ट्रिकशॉट से दिलों को जीतने वाला नौजवान शाह हुज़ैब का जलवा

जिब्रानउद्दीन। कश्मीर के एक छोटे से इलाके में रहने वाले शाह हुज़ैब ने सोशल मीडिया पर अपनी एक अलग पहचान बना रखी है। अंतरराष्ट्रीय फुटबॉलर...

Meet Shariya Manzoor: The boxer girl from Kashmir

Twenty-year-old Shariya Manzoor from a restive region in Kashmir is a boxer whose passion for combat sports has earned her laurels. Her dream is...

बीएचयू में ‘हिन्दू स्टडी ‘ का पाठ्यक्रम शुरू, बना देश की पहली यूनिवर्सिटी

न्यूज़ डेस्क। बनारस हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय अपने नियमित पाठ्यक्रम में "हिंदू स्टडीज" कोर्स को शामिल करने वाला देश का पहला विश्वविद्यालय बन गया है। विश्वविद्यालय...

शानदार अंदाज वाले पत्रकार कमाल खान नही रहे ,दुःख की लहर

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। एनडीटीवी के वरिष्ठ पत्रकार कमाल ख़ान का तड़के सुबह पांच बजे दिल का दौरा पड़ने के कारण निधन हो गया हैं। उन्होंने लखनऊ...

टीसीएन 2021 : साल भर हम उठाते रहे वंचितों और पिछड़ों की आवाज़,पढ़िए...

बीते वर्ष, 2021, में कई तरह की बदलती हुई राजनीतिक और सामाजिक गतिविधियां देखने को मिली। इस बदलती परिस्थिति में, हाशिए पर खड़े...

आमिर सुबहानी बिहार के मुख्य सचिव बनाए गए

जिब्रानउद्दीन। बिहार के इतिहास में पहली बार मुस्लिम समुदाय के किसी आईएएस अधिकारी को राज्य के मुख्य सचिव का पद सौंपा गया है। 1987...

अच्छी ख़बर : एएमयू को ‘नैक’ ने दिया ए ग्रेड

न्यूज डेस्क। देश के प्रतिष्ठित अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम विश्वविद्यालय को राष्ट्रीय मूल्यांकन एवं प्रत्यायन परिषद (नैक) की समीक्षा में 3.24 के संचयी ग्रेड प्वाइंट...

Meet Bushra Arshad from UP, who cracked civil services thrice to land her dream...

A mother of two, Bushra Arshad Bano's story is one of grit and determination. Cracking the civil services exams for the third time last...

Tamil Nadu girl clears the path to become first doctor in her tribe

While NEET has abetted several institutional murders of students hailing from the marginalized groups, 20-year-old student Sangavi from the Malasar tribal community in Coimbatore has...

20 साल की सादिया शेख ने उठा रखी है अपने पूरे गांव को शिक्षित...

जिब्रानउद्दीन। जहां कोरोना महामारी के बाद देशभर में हज़ारों बच्चों की पढ़ाई छूटती हुई देखी गई, वहीं बिहार की रहने वाली सादिया शेख़ ने अपने...

Meet Wali Rahmani, whose Umeed Academy is source of inspiration for Kolkata’s underprivileged children

Wali Rahmani’s work has earned him recognition and respect and people have come forward to sponsor the students in whatever way they can. Nikhat Fatima...

Meet Shiekh Asif from Kashmir, a tech entrepreneur who believes an idea can change...

Twenty-eight-year-old Sheikh Asif from Kashmir’s capital Srinagar never thought that "an idea" will change his life and he will become an owner of a...

Dalits, Adivasis in India pushed out of higher education during Covid-19, new report finds...

A new study by National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR) has found out that with stark social divides, the pandemic has visibilised and...

Bihar’s NEET topper Zeya Bilal credits success to Rahmani 30

Mohammad Zeya Belal from a remote village in Bihar has topped the list of successful candidates from Bihar in this year’s NEET. A Rahmani...

Independent journalist Mohammad Ali wins Daniel Pearl Award for Outstanding Reporting on South Asia...

Independent journalist Mohammad Ali was announced as the winner of this year's Daniel Pearl Award for Outstanding Reporting on South Asia by the South...

How Rahmani 30 has made a difference in these Muslim students career

At least 65 students, including one girl, of Rahmani 30 – an educational movement for underprivileged students started in Patna, Bihar by late Wali...

Bogey of ‘economic jihad’: a conspiracy to target livelihood of Indian Muslims

The purpose of these bogus conspiracy theories is to target the livelihood of Muslims and weaken them economically.  Md Asif Khan | The term ‘economic...

Bihar: Imarat-e-Shariah’s new chief is a man of technology, who believes ‘massive action’ can...

The new Amir (Chief) Ahmad Wali Faisal Rahmani of Imarat-e-Shariah has the challenging task of carrying forward and better the legacy of Imarat-e-Shariah which...

“Being a lawyer in Kashmir is walking on two-edged sword,” journey of a lawyer...

Working as a lawyer is not easy in a region like Kashmir, where multiple levels of threat not only impede justice but restrict the...

अपनी योग्यता को देश की सेवा में समर्पित करना चाहती है सदफ़ चौधरी

आसमोहम्मद कैफ। कैमिकल इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई और फिर एक अमेरिकी बैंक मेंं काम कर चुकी सदफ़ चौधरी के घर का माहौल पूरी तरह...

Meet Sadaf Chaudhary, who wants to serve country by becoming an ambassador

UPSC topper among Muslim aspirants, Sadaf Chaudhary of Roorkee uttarakhand, who secured the overall 23rd rank, is of firm opinion that improvement in the...

‘Inexpensive, timely and accessible’: Darul Qaza of Bihar emerging as ‘effective dispute redressal forum...

This year, the Imarat-e-Shariah of Bihar is celebrating its centenary. In its hundred years of existence, the Darul Qaza and Darul Ifta run by...

Bihar’s ‘Adolescence Education Programme’: Bridging the gap between Madrasas and modern schooling

Under the Talim-e-Naubalighan or the Adolescence Education Programme for the teenaged, thousands of teachers at government-run Madrasas in Bihar are trained in modern pedagogy...

Meet Kaif Ali, who is housing the homeless with his ‘architecture for poor’ idea

Born and brought up in New Delhi, twenty-year-old Kaif Ali is an architecture student at Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New...

In Pictures: The last Bhil Adivasi folk artists of Gujarat

The Bhil Adivasi folk musicians of the Narmada district in western Indian state of Gujarat are facing extinction as these musicians and artists are...

In Pictures: Visually-impaired Judo player from Tamil Nadu rues losing opportunity after contracting Covid-19

Manoharan Janakiraman is a 31-year-old visually impaired Judo player from Sholavaram, a small town in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu. He is...

‘A center unlike others’, Bihar’s Haj Bhawan takes students on journey to secure top...

The coaching and guidance center run at the Haj Bhawan under the Minority Welfare Department of the Bihar government provides residential preparation for government...

बीपीएससी का परिणाम जारी, मुस्लिम अभ्यर्थियों का शानदार प्रदर्शन, इस बार ‘100’ बने अफसर

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। बिहार लोक सेवा आयोग (बीपीएससी) ने रविवार को बीपीएससी 64वीं संयुक्त प्रतियोगी परीक्षा (सीसीई) का अंतिम परिणाम घोषित कर दिया। मेरिट लिस्ट...

Dr Mumtaz Khan deserved Padma award, but successive Govt’s failed to recognize his contribution...

The Al Ameen Movement founded by Dr Mumtaz Khan has produced thousands of doctors, engineers, lawyers, pharmaceutical scientists, journalists, professors, judges, IAS and IPS...

Meet Manjuwara Mullah from Assam’s riverine sandbank who is leading Muslim women to social,...

Manjuwara Mullah from the north-eastern state of Assam is a social activist whose initiative Amrapari has changed the lives of many women in the...

जामिया के 6 छात्रों का पीएम फैलोशिप के लिए चयन

आकिल हुसैन। जामिया मिल्लिया इस्लामिया के छह शोधार्थियों का प्रधानमंत्री रिसर्च फेलोशिप के लिए चयन हुआ है। इन शोधार्थियों को दिसंबर 2020...

Part III: For these visually impaired sportspersons in Tamil Nadu, winning medals for state,...

The story is the final part of the three-part TCN Ground Report disability series. The story chronicles the lives of visually challenged judokas from...

Meet Alfiya Pathan, Nagpur’s teenage boxing legend

Like most Indian female boxers, Alfiya has been inspired by the legendary Chungneijang Mary Kom Hmangte, popularly known as Mary Kom.  Moin Qazi, It was...

Meet Tabassum Ali, a single woman from Bihar riding a Bullet, piloting social work

Forty-one-year old Tabassum Ali from Patna, Bihar is a single woman riding a Bullet motorcycle and works tirelessly for promotion of the rights of...

Pyare Khan: the journey of a socially conscious entrepreneur

Pyare Khan from Nagpur has spent around Rs 1 crore for procuring oxygen tankers, oxygen concentrators and cylinders. Through newspapers, he learnt about the...

Meet Zuhaib Qureshi: the star of Muzaffarnagar who secured 6th rank in India’s top...

Sitting at his home, Zuhaib Qureshi has a look of satisfaction on his face over securing 6th rank in the recently declared Indian Engineering...

मुजफ्फरनगर के जुहैब क़ुरैशी की आईईएस में छठी रैंक,चौतरफा तारीफ

आसमोहम्मद कैफ। मुजफ्फरनगर के मशहूर मीनाक्षी चौक से जब आप शामली बस अड्डे की तरफ चलते हैं तो ऐतिहासिक शहीद चौक से लगभग...

TCN इम्पैक्ट : बदल गई ‘अजहरुद्दीन’ की किस्मत,अमेरिका से पढ़ाई का...

आसमोहम्मद कैफ। कबाड़ से इलेक्ट्रिक कार बनाने वाले मेरठ के मजदूर के बेटे अजहरुद्दीन की किस्मत बस बदलने ही वाली है। टीसीएन में...

Meet Azharuddin, a mechanical engineer from Meerut who made an electric cart from junk,...

Thirty-year-old Azharuddin from Meerut in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh is good with his hands. He created an electric cart from junk...

TCN – Seed Apprenticeship Program 2021

The TCN-SEED Apprenticeship offers aspiring journalists an opportunity to build their communication skills and professional network under the guidance of experienced mentors. The vision...

Constitutionality of NRC-CAA sparks dialogue at Harvard’s 17th Annual India Conference The 17th Annual Harvard India Conference organized at the Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School on 15th and 16th February bringing together thought... की रिपोर्टर मीना कोटवाल को दो कैटेगरी के लिए मिला IIMCAAअवार्ड

TCN News दिल्ली। स्वतंत्र पत्रकार मीना कोटवाल को इस साल अपनी दो स्टोरी के लिए ईमका अवार्ड से सम्मानित किया गया है। इनमें से एक रिपोर्ट...

Ambedkar-King Study Circle Conducts Social Science Workshop for Activists in California Team San Jose, California. On February 1, 2020 around forty people attended a social science workshop for activists organized by the Ambedkar-King Study Circle,...

MANUU to hold National Urdu Science Congress Hyderabad: Maulana Azad National Urdu University’s Centre for Promotion of Knowledge in Urdu(CPKU) and School of Sciences is organizing the National Urdu Science Congress...

TCN – Seed apprentice program

We are currently accepting applications for young and aspiring journalists to join TCN’s flagship journalism training and mentorship program. The vision of the program...

Date extended for applying for the post of Managing Editor at TCN

Title: Managing Editor Start Date: August 20 Location: India Salary: Commensurate with experience Reports To: Executive Editor Responsibilities Editorial Direction Direct content to be in line with strategic media vision ...
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