2020 Delhi riots: ‘My soul trembles when I recall that day,’ shopkeepers at Gokulpuri...
Shopkeepers at Gokulpuri tyre market, where 97 shops were set ablaze during the 2020 Delhi riots, are still struggling to rebuild their lives...
Delhi court discharging Jamia students brings relief, spurs hope
Students of the Jamia Milia Islamia expressed relief after being discharged by a Delhi court on Saturday in a case connected to violence...
‘There is rift after 2020 riots,’ say Brahmpuri residents after posters surface urging Hindus...
Most residents of Brahmpuri expressed displeasure against the appearance of such posters while some supported it.
Shruti Sharma | TwoCircles.net
NEW DELHI — Early last...
Students hold demonstration on 3rd anniversary of Jamia Milia police action
The Delhi Police's action against protesting students in 2019 was marked by hundreds of students at Jamia Millia Islamia on Thursday.
TCN News
India is 8th highest risk country for mass killings, claims US report
The report cited numerous examples of discrimination against the Muslim minority in the country by the BJP government, both at the national level...
Delhi riots: Family await justice after court orders FIR in acid attack survivor’s case
A court in Delhi has directed the police to file a first information report (FIR) in the case of Mohammed Wakil, who lost...
‘Identify and kill them’: How calls for Muslim genocide were given at VHP’s Delhi...
North East Delhi, which witnessed anti-Muslim riots in February 2020, reverberated with hate and provocative speeches on October 9 during an event organized...
2020 Delhi riots: Govt’s response to violence was insufficient; TV, social media fuelled hate,...
A citizen committe’s report headed by former Supreme Court of India Justice Madan B. Lokur has called for setting up an independent Commission of...
इस तरह तो रमज़ान की रहमत रूठ जाएगी !
आसमोहम्मद कैफ। Twocircles.net
उस दिन 2 अप्रैल थी और रमज़ान की आमद का ऐलान हो चुका था। मुस्लिम समाज इस रमज़ान का शिद्दत से...
Many under financial constraint as Delhi riot victims still wait for compensation
About 2569 families in North East Delhi have filed claims for compensation. Of the 2,569 claims, 1,425 have been examined, while work on the...
Delhi riots: Survivors of anti-Muslim violence living with trauma, constant fear of death
Many survivors of anti-Muslim violence in Delhi that took place in February 2020 are today living with trauma and a deep sense of...
American human rights group calls for sanctions against 3 Indian extremists for role in...
Justice for All provided concrete evidence that a command hierarchy was in place that precipitated what can only be described as a premeditated pogrom...
Minority rights at the altar of Judiciary-Executive friction in India
In India, the judiciary needs to check that every authority of law is doing its duty in accordance with the rule of law. It...
दिल्ली दंगा : अदालत ने माना, निष्पक्ष नही है जांच,पुलिस पर लगाया जुर्माना
आकिल हुसैन।Twocircles.Net
दिल्ली की कड़कड़डूमा कोर्ट ने दिल्ली दंगे से संबंधित एक मामले में सुनवाई करते हुए दिल्ली पुलिस पर 25 हज़ार रुपए का जुर्माना...
देवांगना,नताशा और आसिफ़ इकबाल रिहा, तेवर है बरक़रार
स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। Twocircles.net
उत्तर-पूर्वी दिल्ली में फरवरी 2020 में हुए दंगा मामले में जवाहर लाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय की छात्रा देवांगना कलिता और नताशा नरवाल...
दिल्ली दंगा : उमर खालिद को जमानत,यूएपीए के चलते नही होगी रिहाई
स्टाफ़ रिपोर्टर।Twocircles.net
दिल्ली दंगे से संबंधित एक केस में जेएनयू के पूर्व छात्र नेता उमर खालिद को जमानत मिल गई है। दिल्ली की कड़कड़डुमा...
नाइंसाफी,अन्याय,संवेदनहीनता, दुख और तक़लीफ़ का साल 2020
आकिल हुसैन। Twocircles.net
साल 2020 पूर्ण होने पर हैं। यह साल देश के लिए तमाम कठिन परिस्थितियों से गुज़रा है। कोरोनावायरस का प्रकोप, लाकडाउन,दिल्ली दंगे,लाकडाउन...
Jamaat-e-Islami Hind initiates relief and rehabilitation work for Delhi riot victims
TCN News
Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) has initiated its relief and rehabilitation work for riot victims in northeast Delhi after a series of visits to assess...
Mr PM, listen to Muslim women who faced sexual harassment in Delhi violence before...
Very shameful acts have happened to Muslim women during Delhi violence
There are allegations ranging from tearing clothes to rape, many girls...
दिल्ली हिंसा: अबतक 51, ये रहे 48 के नाम, तीन की पहचान नहीं, दर्ज़नभर...
आस मोहम्मद कैफ़, twocicles.net
दिल्ली। दिल्ली दंगो में मरने वाले 48 लोगों की पहचान हो गई है। जान किसी की भी जाए। ख़ून तो आख़िर...
Fear Grips Muslims Across India in the aftermath of Anti-Muslim Pogrom in Delhi
By Nazish Hussain, Twocircles.net
Ranchi, Jharkhand: “I don’t know what the future holds. Do I even belong to this country?” wonders a visibly disturbed Afreen.
दिल्ली हिंसाः अपने घर नहीं लौटना चाहते शिव विहार के मुसलमान, पुलिस और पड़ोसियों...
दिल्ली के उत्तर-पूर्वी ज़िले के ज़ाफ़राबाद, मौजपुर ब्रह्मपुरी, मुस्तफ़ाबाद, कर्दमपुरी, खजूरी ख़ास और शिव विहार इलाक़ों में हुई हिंसा में 45 लोगों की मौत...
Delhi After violence: Muslims forced to leave Shiv Vihar, their houses and mosques burnt,...
As the true extent of the pogrom against Muslims in Delhi is coming to light, it is evident now that the most extreme violence...
Delhi after violence: Signs of destruction everywhere, victims waiting for relief
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In Pictures: Delhi’s worst violence in decades
Natisha Mallick for TCN
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